Thankful for the Fleas - Gillian Adams

Thanksgiving 2015 is officially in the books!  The turkey has been eaten, the dishes washed, and the kids full of parades and pie.  Maybe none of that happened and the day was spent with friends because the kids were with their other parent.  Maybe you are thankful the day has passed and today is just Friday and you are one more day closer to next week and normalcy.  Either way, I wanted to share one more post on being thankful.  I found it last week on social media and I think it is worth a share even post-Thanksgiving.  It is from the Frontier Camp blog.  Frontier Camp is a summer camp located near Crockett, Texas.  They have an amazing staff that pour into the kids that cross their path year round.  One of their staffers, Gillian Adams wrote this blog.  You can find an excerpt below:

"But honestly, it can be hard to look at sometimes. The polished screen of social media often presents everyone else’s lives as picture perfect compared to the raw, muddled, messy lives we lead. All too often, when we see the smiles and the gushy posts and the blessings that seem to fall on everyone else, I think it can feed a spirit of jealousy in us.

But we are meant to cultivate an attitude of thanksgiving that is not dependent on our circumstances. I can’t tell you how many times Paul wrote about giving thanks while he was in chains! And it’s easy to look at that and be like “But that was the Apostle Paul, he was crazy devoted to Christ! I can’t be like that.” - Gillian Adams

Click on the link below to read the post in it's entirety:

He is good, and sovereign, and He is working things out for your good.  Even in the moments of stillness and quiet.  Even in the moments when He feels distant.  He is always there, always watching, and always working.  Trust in that on this day - post-Thanksgiving 2015.  Praying abundant blessings over you and your families in this season!  We love you!

Natalie Gibb

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