Why You'll Do Anything Not to be Alone - Laura Polk

Today I wanted to share a blog from The Life of a Single Mom ministries.  I hope you find some peace and lots of Truth within it.  I know I did!  Here is an excerpt with a direct link below...

Why You'll Do Anything Not to be Alone - Laura Polk

And as I stood alone, I began to recognize something in myself that was rising up with a vengeance: the desire to meet someone. It felt good at first. Like it was the next logical step. In fact, everywhere I turned people were suggesting that I move on—find someone else—as if it were the answer to all of life’s problems.

And as I dipped my toe back in the waters, I caught myself doing something I swore I’d never do: talking myself into liking people that I knew were wrong for me simply because I was tired of being alone.


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