Joy - Natalie Mott

Today I want to introduce you to Natalie Mott.  She is an amazing friend, mother, speaker, and prayer warrior.  She has been an Overflow break out session speaker several times and is an inspiration to me and many others at Bayou City Fellowship.  I hope you find as much hope and joy in her words as I do.  

Natalie Gibb



I have been learning a lot about joy lately. Joy that comes in the middle of decisions. Joy that comes in the middle of storms. Joy that comes even when the next step is not always clear.

It's that joy that changes situations. It changes your perspective. Joy that runs deep and points you back to the source. Happiness is fleeting but Joy has an origin and a Creator.

The more I get closer to the source of true joy, the richer life becomes, the more clear everyday gifts he gives become more sweet and personal. Knowing the true source of joy changes me. 

I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow! John 15:11

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